Last year when I first heard that the NBA was ending their season due to a virus commonly known as COVID-19 (CV19), I knew the world was about to change. And boy did it. Governors mandated lockdowns of certain businesses with no rhyme or reason, threatened people with State violence if they left their homes, and generally appeared to be enjoying their newly self-endowed power. However, there was one aspect of the CV19 hysteria I caught onto before most people. I knew that the average person on the street was going to somehow make the hype surrounding the bug all about them. And how right I was.
One of the first points of pride I saw people revel in was being able to stand six feet (curiously the depth we bury the dead) away from one another. When a client would come to see me, I watched them stand as far away from me as they possibly could while stretching their arm all the way out to hand me the appropriate forms I needed. When I grabbed the forms and had them properly secured in my hand, you would’ve thought they just handed me a baton in the 4 X 400 relay at the Olympics. It’s almost as if it started as a game but then people started to take it seriously.
Next up, of course, were the masks. I believe it was the first week in April when I was asked, very politely mind you, what I say if someone asks me why I don’t wear a mask. Even then my answer was, “well, if you’re wearing one why are you worried about me?” That answer sufficed until the God-Emperors of “Medicine” on TV decided that everyone needed to wear one. And as I’ve written before, if it’s on TV, and coming from the “experts,” it becomes Gospel truth.
Now we are suffering the next phase in this ongoing madness, the “vaccines.” I have a close friend I’ve been monitoring the vaccine roll-out with, especially in regard to employer mandates. She informed me that she and a few other people appear to be exempt from the mandate, but one particular conversation she heard of clearly shows the attitude of the ones who’ve fully bought into the CV19 religion. One of her co-workers got jabbed and was “excited,” but when the co-worker was reminded that they could still be infected with CV19 and be asymptomatic as well as transmit it to others, the response was:
“Who cares! If I gave it to someone and they get sick. I don't care. They would only get sick because they hadn't gotten vaccinated, so that's on them and I don't care!"
This person is saying that if they infect or kill someone, they don’t care and have no responsibility as the other person should have gotten the jab. Dave Smith has mentioned that the “vaccine passports” would essentially create a caste system and the attitude of the person above exemplifies this. Mind you, 99.9% of the population does not have to worry about dying from CV19, but, even so, the total disregard for others’ lives and well-being exhibited by this person clearly shows you where society is at this moment. Do you believe this individual can be reasoned with? Do you believe you have anything in common with them? It has never been more important than it is right now to be doing everything you can to promote separation and secession to pierce the Overton window.
I do think as that window is shifted there will be that moment where bluffing will be a catastrophic blow any separation or secession movement. No power structure I am aware of enjoys losing power against its will. So they won't. Are mechanisms in place to handle the crushing power that is the globalist oligarchy? Is their tentacles that reach into the souls and minds of the zombies around us capable of creating a real and present danger? At present, certainly it the case. So what then? Give up? Never! Though how is the dissenter class thinking of what resisting means? Alt-media, alt-economy, alt-culture are all in existence, not that unified, and could use support, they are all under assault constantly because that is the real threat. An alternative reality to their bullshit. An alternative to leviathan. Is that possible at scale? Perhaps, but not without more antifragile structures. If local supply chains are not set up, when the middle finger is raised to the next round of barriers disguised as regulations are set up, it is a vulnerability that will be exploited; reliance equals compliance. If people are still programming themselves with their nightly and 24 propaganda machines disguised as news, can belief in liberty principles be realized in depth with fear porn liquifying human brains into zombies? How about when they make material wealth less abundant by shutting down bank access, corporation access, etc? Are we set up to handle these things spiritually and socially? Are we organizing to create a network of support to blunt their assault into areas they consider threats?
The Overton window can generate a lot of things, but some of these systems take decades to build, starting by educating the next generation with alternatives to the mass indoctrination efforts in public schools tied to federal dollars. Are we in it for the long haul? That is what it will take. There will be losses, there will be martyers, and we all don't get to make it to the end state. Does that mean we don't sacrifice? No. But, we are spread out physically, and if there is anything that can trump information and economic power it is physical power. Not the use, but the potential threat it can generate. The game theory is all worked out in that space. Is there enough of that to stop the madness at present? Hypothetically yes, which is why the globalist utilitarian humanists strategy appears to be what it is: to enter the moral sphere and apply constant info and econ pressure against dissenters. But can we organize enough to threaten them in those same arenas or threaten a flank or two that can give them pause?
Perhaps when the purity olympics are done and everyone figures out that alignment of priorities is more effective than who can recite the gospels the best we have more an accelerated chance. Compromises are necessary. In the meantime I suppose the entertainment of watching wage slaves crucify each other in the info and economic domain (and soon to be physical) is enough entertainment to keep me swallowing the whole bottle of black pills. I pray we end the bullshit soon, I am not sure we have too much time left on the clock before the strategy will need to completely shift to address the much more isolated and distributed situation we created for ourselves.
I bet that coworker was one of those who loudly proclaimed their concern for the vulnerable last year. Funny how that concern goes out the window when the vulnerable disagree with you politically.