At this point, how can you not be watching the “Covidiots” like a hawk? As the temperature here in the American South climbs into the 90s, the number of deaths attributed to SARS-CoV-2 (CV19) is disappearing, and cases are dwindling. But the CV19 religion powers on with no signs of weakening. And the worshipers have lost all control over their faculties.
If you live your life as “online” as I do, you may have noticed the discussions being had amongst the Pope Fauci acolytes about strategies on how, once they are fully vaccinated, they can take off their masks without people assuming they’re Trump supporters. Yes, it sounds like a Babylon Bee headline but it’s not. These kneelers at the altar of Scientism would rather stay muzzled than be mistaken for a Trumper? I’m calling bullshit on that. I believe they love the masks. To them, it’s a perfect virtue signal to show what good people they are and are only using Trump as an excuse to continue the muzzle’s normalization.
Next up, obviously, is the “vaccine.” Or as some have taken to calling it, “gene therapy.” Setting aside what the jab is exactly, the fact that so many have made getting it into a spectacle does not bode well for the future of humanity. If this virus were as deadly as the medical industrial complex wants us to believe, getting it wouldn’t be the equivalent of attending a gala. People wouldn’t be showing it off with smiles and thumbs up on the internet. Receiving the shot would be a sigh of relief. Remember, at the beginning of the CV19 madness, the reports sounded like, “look to the person on your left, and to the one on your right; one of them will be dead due to this plague!” It became clear by the middle of April 2020 that was a lie. But plans were in motion to take down small businesses, ensure the presidential election was mostly mail-in ballots, so to accomplish this a religion needed to be created. And a certain segment of the population, mostly from the over-socialized Left, asked to be baptized into it.
The reason I bring this up is because I’m convinced Covid-Mania Part 2 is coming. They have the medical infrastructure in place, but more importantly they have a small army of Covidiots ready to fight on the front lines against those who won’t willingly suffer another nightmare scenario. And as I type this, I realize I have friends still suffering under lockdowns and mask mandates. I am with you in spirit, but I implore you to get the fuck out of where you are. I’ve mentioned my own term, “Governor-shopping,” recently. If the medical industrial complex has made it their goal for Covid-mania to be a permanent way of life, you may just have to continuously move to where there are executives willing to stand up to the powers that be. Fuck, that’s a depressing thought when I re-read what I typed.
As an old fart who quickly recovered from the ARDS stage of Covid-19 in four days using a homemade Z-Pack (before I knew I had covid or what a z-pack was), I have been quite concerned about the impact of the gene therapy shot on someone who has recovered and has lifetime immunity. My readings of studies indicate that the very first nMRA shot results in the antibody count of a recovered person shooting off the chart, starting around 45 times the antibody count of a "seronegative" after the first shot and six times the antibody count after the second shot received by a "seronegative". Most of the worst side effects have been suffered by people who have recovered and then get the shot. Nevertheless, the Covididiots are on a Jihad against the idea that recovery provides good if not lifetime immunity. That was the basis for the hatred directed at Rand Paul. Now we have news articles attacking the Michigan Republican majority leader for the same reason, without anyone actually mentioning the possible horrorshow that may result by someone getting the shot after having a solid immune function against the virus. See link below. These people have no problem killing people who don't follow their program.
UPDATE: Ron Paul on his Liberty Report podcast yesterday came right out and described the Covidiots as engaging in medical fraud and that people have died because of the Jihad against HCQ.
Too bad Governor shopping isn't as easy as shopping for everything else where you don't have to move just to get what you want.