Another immigrant/refugee to a historically homogenous country has attacked members of the native population. Young children were yet again targeted, adding to the already high emotions of those hearing of the incident. We saw this same thing in France earlier this year. What followed in Dublin were riots and the burning of a refugee intake center, among other things. Arguably Ireland’s most famous native son, Conor McGregor, took to Twitter, stating that if the government didn’t do something about this problem, he would. In the aftermath, the inevitable happened: any native who complained about the event or went further by calling out their refugee crisis, was labeled a racist or white supremacist. McGregor is being investigated for “incitement” and “hate speech.” We see these accusations hurled at Americans, Brits, Germans, and basically any people who express concern over what now has to be recognized by sane people as weaponized migration. Those of us who have gotten over the stigma of being called racists for opinions about people from cultures antithetical to the native ones being forced upon us can readily admit this. We’re just waiting for everyone else to catch up.
The accusations of racism and white supremacy are normally associated with the charge that the natives are the descendants of “colonizers” who invaded other people’s lands and either slaughtered or “ethnically cleansed” them. OK, but the Irish have never been guilty of being “colonizers.” It appears we have a situation where Globohomo agents have gone to their well of normal tricks and found it dry.
In my opinion, the Irish at the moment are the only ones who can destroy the plans of the Nuremberg Regime. They are beyond reproach when it comes to the schemes and lies of the fiends perpetrating this plan to turn every homogenous nation into a salad of cultures who have nothing in common, which inevitably leads to chaos and violence. Remember, these are the same people who would rather see slave markets in Libya than a leader who planned to get his people out of the IMF. My hope for the Irish is that they stand up to the plans to turn their country into a giant London and be an example to others who appear to have given up on ever regaining their native culture.
I am cautiously optimistic, but I also remember what the Brits did to Tommy.
Conor needs to create a state of exception.