I often think about the fact that there are still remote tribesmen living freely in parts of this world. Instinctively, those of us raised in the first world (how much longer will we be able to call it such?) may consider these people ignorant savages who couldn’t possibly be happy without air conditioning and a dreadful electric stove. But on the other hand, these folks know nothing of modern ideologies. No one is preaching transgenderism. No one is trying to teach their children about how degenerate men bugger each other. They aren’t paying 20–30 different taxes to people who rape children and have the power and wealth (most of which was yours) to hide it.
How would these "ignorant savages" lives be “enriched” by the knowledge that the Jeffrey Epsteins and Dennis Hasterts of the world exist? Don’t they need exposure to purple-haired demons whispering in grade school-aged boys’ ears that if they like dolls, they’re probably a girl trapped in a boy's body? Is that what would make them "advanced people?" Is that what their children need to be educated about?
Whether you realize it or not, when it comes to the monsters who are promoting and ruling over this world of degeneracy and rot, if you—someone living in the first world—disagree with them, they view you no differently than the tribesmen living remotely. In fact, they consider you beneath this ignorant savage because you’ve heard the good news of their Progressive gospel and rejected it. But that’s not the worst part. The Progressive evangelicals who see you reject their message blame themselves. They believe THEY did something wrong that caused you not to accept their obvious, enlightened message to everyone. And now they must work harder. They need to escalate. But the intensification of their method and message can only increase so much.
It has already occurred to many of these zealots that they have done all they can and try to accept that some of us are just broken. That’s when the terms Nazi and fascist present themselves. If nothing can be done to change you or me, then labeling us as their secular version of Satan is the next logical step. In the 1940’s the precedent was set that the only acceptable way to deal with Nazis and fascists is with rope. Once this dehumanization process begins, the zealots are removed from any guilt that they are taking a life. I want to add a comment here, but any comment I could make about inconsistency or hypocrisy is useless at this point. We are where we are in time and space. Some arguments have been made moot.
Now, back to those tribesmen. When I consider these remote individuals, I see myself and so many others. Those of us who have chosen to move to locations where the overwhelming majority of people reject progressive religion as evil and debased have become our own form of the remote savage. We want none of the corrupt ideologies and realize that certain areas are and will be overrun by its poison. Some may say, "You can’t run forever; it will find you." Maybe. But having and living among an established base of people who already reject it out of hand gives you a fighting chance over those who must curb their language in "polite company" so as not to offend neighbors. My friend, Jeff Diest, once said, "The difference between the Left and Right is that the Left is serious." No phenomenon proves his words more true than how the progressive religion has been allowed to become the default in not only Washington, DC, but schools, and even churches, around the country. Our repentance and separation is only the beginning.
My friend, Jeff Diest, once said, "The difference between the Left and Right is that the Left is serious."
Thanks Pete for writing this! Very well written and I appreciate your candor. It helps give others confidence to stand up and hold their ground.