The 'High Priests' Enter the 'Game' - 2020 in Review Part 3
"Don't be fooled when he cries, keep looking at the eyes"
I mentioned in part 2 the idea of the panopticon; a prison in which the jailers can see every corner of the structure but prisoners only get a piece of the picture. By the end of March to the middle of April, it became clear to me, and others who may not have recognized it in the past, that we were finally getting the “police state” many of us had been warning of. The veil was lifted and the coming riots – more to be said on that later – helped the scales to finally fall off many an authority-worshiper's eyes. When Victor Orban declared one man rule in Hungary around this time my Spidey-senses” began to go haywire. I couldn’t help but think that if that happened here, most of the West would be lost, as well as the Far East.
The myth of “tragedy brings people of differing political opinions together” was shattered right from the start of the government’s response. After 9/11 it lasted roughly a week, which was shocking. No such reprieve was found in this “crisis.” If there is anyone left who believes there is one united culture in this society after witnessing 2020, they’re beyond hope. We are a house divided and we will not stand. The sooner people embrace this, the faster we can start embracing alternatives.
It was in the middle to the end of April when mandatory vaccinations and tracking (tracing) entered into the daily conversation. “It’s the only way we can get back to normal” was the message. Many people were genuinely excited about the prospects of a vaccine. Contact tracing software started showing up on people’s phones. I noticed you could turn off the notifications, but not the software.
At this point I started saying that science and medicine were dead. Everything coming from the “experts” in “the Cathedral” were obvious guesses, but these “chosen ones” were not to be questioned. They had achieved “High Priest” status and only they had the ability to interpret these events. “Only our priests speak the truth, the heretics on YouTube must be excommunicated.” This was when my friend Vin Armani started to say we had entered “The Dim Age.” It was a perfect descriptor to me as my maternal grandmother would call people she didn’t consider to be of even average intelligence, dim. It resonated and still does.
Technocracy became unstoppable. They had their “experts” in place as the “Holy” class, the software to surveil us, and the police to enforce it. And the people weren’t noticing. Most still don’t, even ones who claim to be about liberty. Instantaneous global communication enables all of this. One may ask, “where is the grand puppeteer?” Where indeed?!
Many people who care about liberty or who want to care are completely consumed with trying to still get Trump elected and expose the “election fraud” rather than fight the tyranny in their own town, grocery store and shopping mall. It’s a very superficial distraction to ignore what is front of these people’s faces- on their faces in most cases. Like, they are going to put on a mask to fly to DC to get Trump elected in hopes he will finally tell them they can take off their masks. It’s beyond dim.
I agree with the whole post except for the second paragraph, of which I don’t necessarily disagree with, but am unsure about. So embrace division? Following your podcasts, I know you’re thinking radicalize everybody in every direction is good strategy. Ok, but hasn’t the ruling class been employing the divide and conquer method masterfully for many years? People in the US don’t vote for policies they want. They vote against the red/blue personality they hate and never notice that the same policies prevail no matter who wins. I can foresee a scenario, not one of unity, but of people on both sides getting fatigued of hate.
On the left, once Trump is out on the 20th, their French resistance high is dry. There’s no excitement for any Biden policies the way people were excited for Obama’s healthcare. There could be a feeling of “we saved the country from Nazism, that’s more than enough, let’s tune out.”
On the right, what political figure could possibly replicate Trump? There is none. I don’t see the Trump faithful turning out and getting excited for pre-Trump style Republicans or post-Trump imitators. They might just feel resigned after the swamp knocked out their “great hope” and the voting was rigged.
So what if, instead of the division trend continuing to climb, people on both sides lose the energy to tune in?