Yes, much of what I’ve been doing lately is an experiment to see how people would react. Many of my answers to questions haven’t been entirely truthful just so I could gauge the responses. Well, I have enough of a sample that allows me to tell you where I am going forward.
The Libertarian Party Mises Caucus (LPMC) -
I, in no way, agree with some of the “predictions” that have been made about the LPMC should their plans for trying to restart the Ron Paul Revolution fail and will continue to give them my support. I know the leadership team and they allow me a lot of leeway to make suggestions and say things in public that would cause other organizations to take offense. They know when I’m critical it’s because I want them to be better
Tho Bishop’s GOP Infiltration ‘Paleo Strategy’ (PS) -
On the local level, this is a fantastic movement. Will it be successful everywhere? That’s yet to be seen. But the LPMC’s local strategy is just as feasible so let people embrace what they feel most comfortable doing and quit shitting on them. My dream would be to see the LPMC and GOP PS play off of each other to get even more accomplished.
Agorism -
A dirty word in some circles but a vital strategy nonetheless. If the system is crumbling around us, why shouldn’t enterprising individuals build what would replace it?
Post-Libertarianism (PL)-
Honestly, this is where my heart is and has been for over a year now. I believe re-examing the dogma of the Libertarian ideology to see where it has failed in practice, and in drawing individuals to it, is the single most important work that can be done while the movement to grow our numbers moves forward. As for the people who look upon those of us who refer to ourselves as PL as being laden with hubris, they most likely mention the definition of insanity as “doing the same thing over and over again expecting a different result” unironically in conversations. I wish I had the time to care what others think about me but I don’t.
I plan to host a wide array of guests on my podcast when it comes to these subjects. Some will endorse one and hate the rest. Some will, like me, have an interest in seeing all of them succeed. Either way, the times we are living in demand an unrelenting push towards the idea of responsibility, and only then can “liberty” be the goal. Knowing how many people who call themselves libertarians and anarchists who reject personal responsibility as a message makes me realize that our work has only just begun.
Will the libertarian apostates suffer the same vitriol and negative energy as historical apostates suffer from those who still hold their beliefs most supreme? A nice follow-up question, how much will that matter?
One thing is certain, you can always be relied upon to provide every possible rabbit hole to be explored! ❤️