I concluded part ten discussing “Big Tech” declaring war on anyone to the Right of Bernie Sanders and a portion of “Libertarianism” cheering it on. Before I complete this series with comments and solutions I believe would be helpful in moving forward, I thought it would be beneficial to return to two events that happened this year that were vastly different in content, but highlight in my mind politics in the modern age. These events were the two 2020 presidential debates that I know a lot of you didn’t watch. Summing them up for you is going to be fun.
The first presidential debate could’ve been a Jerry Springer episode. It was a couple hours of two crotchety old men talking over each other. From the get-go it was clear that interrupting and drowning out his opponent was Trump’s strategy, Biden just followed suit. I’m not one to argue that presidential debates - with the exception of ones where someone like a Ron Paul is participating - will answer any questions about what a candidate will actually do when they get in office, but it is nice to hear some hint of policy agenda. However, the first debate wasn’t about information. It was akin to two dogs pissing anywhere they could in order to mark their territory. This was cheered on by the Right. And I would be lying if I said I didn’t enjoy it. The reason I relished what many would consider “disgraceful” behavior by “Royalty” is because anything that will de-legitimize the presidency is alright by me. The Trump-Right just wanted to see him attack people, and while I enjoyed that too, it’s not pushing the public in the direction I want them to go - to have disgust for the State apparatus and their apparatchiks.
The second presidential debate was more civil, and therefore, boring. My notes for this debate had a huge heading in capital letters- CONSPIRACY THEORIES. Honestly, I barely remember anything Trump said in this debate but Biden should’ve been wearing a tin-foil hat. Biden continued the Left’s Russophobia by not only regurgitating the debunked Russia-gate narrative (this time adding that Iran interfered in the election as well which is amazing since these are the two countries the Neo-liberal center wants war with), but he also brought up another debunked report that Russia was paying “bounties” to Afghanis to kill Americans stationed or working in Afghanistan. Of course the moderator of the debate, Kristen Welker of NBC, was not about to fact-check anything coming out of the “Cathedral’s” preferred candidate’s mouth, so these blatant lies went unchallenged. In my opinion, Trump lost that debate solely because he never once challenged the lies coming out of Biden’s mouth.
I’ve spent a good amount of time recently, here and on social media, talking about “red-pilled” vs “blue-pilled.” Michael Malice would say being red-pilled is knowing that the corporate press and academia have the same agenda and it’s not a coincidence (forgive me Michael if I’m off a bit on that). I believe another part of taking the red-pill is acknowledging that the Federal bureaucracy can’t be fixed mainly because of the aforementioned media and academic class. Curtis Yarvin would go so far as to say that the press and academia are the guiding force behind national politics. Once you get it in your head that the State is a Leviathan that cannot be stopped by joining it and then fighting it from the inside, hopefully you come to the conclusion that the only thing to do is either ignore it and drop out, or educate as many people as possible on its nature so that they may begin to either ignore it, or educate others. If it sounds like multi-level-marketing, that’s because effective messaging always has been.
I am working toward dropping out while running my anarchy MLM.