I would say, at the present time, a label is one of the hardest things to come up with for one’s self. Yes, some are holding onto them because it’s become their identity, but others have moved on from them and I applaud them.
I will say this, and I will keep it short: My label/ideology/identity is whatever it has to be to get people to declare war on the ones who want to mentally and physically own their children.
Consider making that a quest of yours as well. It keeps me focused, especially in a world of petty drama.
Have a great weekend!
It has come to this. I'm an anarchist at heart but I agree with Pete here. Despite so many of us just wanting "to be left alone", we are at war right now. I for one prefer to die on my feet than live on my knees. Whatever we need to do to win this is fair game. Remember, it was they who fired the first shot!
Yeah, that's me. Whatever works, don't care about the details or policies, just detroy the enemy. That's where they have me.
I remember when i used to care about economic policies over everything and now they're the bottom of the list. Amazing to think of how fucking evil the enemy had to be to get me to change my entire outlook on life.