This past Sunday was Father’s Day and I used the occasion to remind people of Gary Plauché, the Baton Rouge man who executed his 11-year-old son’s kidnapper and molester. Despite all of the evidence, and pleading guilty to manslaughter, Gary never spent a day in prison.
Remembering that incident, and how many parents said they would’ve done the same thing, causes me again to think about a subject I’ve spent a great deal of time talking about here recently: groomers, pedophiles and the organized agenda to sexualize kids as young as three or four. These things will foster an environment where many Gary Plauchés will begin to pop up. It appears inevitable to me at this point and I know others are thinking the same. However, as I may ponder this more than others, I must present you with a warning.
As stated above, Gary basically walked because the judge believed sending him to prison would not help anyone, so he was put on probation and sentenced to do community service but he suffered not one day of prison time. However, that will not be the case for others going forward. You may have heard of the “Soros District Attorneys” who have been elected all over the country with the intention of “overhauling” the justice system. Many cities have seen a steep rise in crime in what appears to be a systematic effort to normalize robbery, rape and murder by refusing to prosecute, or giving lighter sentences to those committing these heinous acts. The evidence points to this being done by design. BUT this kid glove approach is certainly not for those parents who are outraged at what is being forced upon their children. Remember, parents protesting at school board meetings were labeled “domestic terrorists.” MANY of the people who toured the Capitol on January 6th are in jail or still awaiting trial in an incident where the only loss of life was caused by a police officer.
I’m sorry but you are watching in real time the Left-Progressive power structure remake the “justice” system so that if you are straight, conservative in your values, and yes, White, you will be dealt with more harshly for your transgressions against the Progressive Church/State. Going forward, any actions taken, and I mean even that of simple sign-waving protest, must take into consideration that you are presumed to be the enemy of not only the State, but of the State Religion. If you haven’t realized this already, I hope you are waking up to it.
I have a strong corporeal feeling of needing closure for the previous couple of years. I have been irrevocably injured by these demons and I need to be made whole again. I cannot imagine ever feeling truly free as long as they remain unpunished.
Shit Pete, I already stan you, it's getting embarrassing for me. Take a break from being excellent for my sake.