Link to the FAQs regarding CV19 on OSHA’s website
Can we finally stop with the accusations that anyone who questions the motives of those ACTIVELY propagandizing the public to take one of the CV19 “vaccines” is being paranoid? Especially when you take into consideration that in 1986 the government gave vaccine manufacturers total immunity from being sued when children suffer injury at the hands of their products. Also, please remember that the CV19 jabs are novel, “Emergency Authorized Use” only “vaccines.” But you’re not allowed to talk about these facts lest you be accused of wanting people to die in large numbers.
Currently, OSHA’s own site is telling employers and employees that they will not be required to keep records of incidents that involve employees reporting adverse reactions from receiving the “jab” from now through May 2022. This is a recent reversal of their policy and should make one ask the most obvious question, why the sudden change? Please note that a “slip and fall” or any like injury is still to be recorded per OSHA guidelines. However, any adverse reaction to a possibly mandated “shot” is not to be? Why would OSHA not want adverse reactions recorded?
In my opinion, OSHA is giving employers the green-light to mandate that their employees get the “vaccine.” However, if an employee suffers an injury from the shot, the employer is not required by OSHA to record the injury, thereby reducing the ability of an employee to hold his employer liable through Office of Worker’s Compensation (OWCP) claims. So, when it comes to at least OWCP claims, one can say that OSHA has given companies an out should they mandate employees get the “jab.” Although, I believe employers should proceed with any mandate with caution as OWCP claims aren’t the only potential action an employee can take. Employers could face potential class-action lawsuits at which time OSHA and the Department of Labor will tell any employer asking for help, “depart from me, I never knew you.”
People, we have entered into a moment when those Libertarian/Anarchists still clinging to their precious Non-Aggression Principle have to make a decision. Is not the “private company” that is receiving cover from the government for any potential physical or mental damage you may suffer by participating in the company’s mandatory “vaccine” experiment aggressing upon you? If every company is mandating the “vaccine” and allowed to hide behind OSHA’s non-record-keeping of any potential damage done to you, where is your precious “free market?” Maybe it’s time for out of the box thinking. Maybe it’s just time.
God dammit! Yes, their policy exposed last week got too much traction for anti-jabbers. They had to cover their asses. Still, I think you are correct. This OSHA policy will not be worth the paper or document it is printed upon should class action lawsuits arise. This is not so much a complete abdication of responsibility for the employer, but rather a touchy, feely "go head and require it. You don't have to record injuries." However, should your employees record their own injuries and come after you, we have nothing to say on the matter except that we're sure as fuck not liable.
hmmm..... the masks are also anti-OSHA.....this agency is corrupt to the core.
The hard part will be to be able to demonstrate that damage occurred from "vaccine" serum. There is a vaccine court that has awarded abour 3 billion dollars in vaccine damage compensation since 1986. Of course after you are damaged and your life is ruined who really cares about the money?
VAERS database ( has a significant number of people who died from the vaccine, about 3000 last time I checked. N1H1 vaccine was halted after 30 deaths. This one keeps on moving and I guess most people, including highly educated professional and journalist, are too lazy, too corrupt or too illiterate to go to the CDC web page and check it.