'It's The Little Things" - That Set Me Off!
As I was coming out of the grocery store today I saw one of the blue, “will not provide protection against COVID” masks on the ground. I see them discarded on the ground all the time and I ask myself, if this virus is so deadly, why aren’t there hazardous materials baskets everywhere to dispose of them properly? Why would people be allowed to reuse the same mask all day? On the face, off the face, on and off, all day long. When you stop to think about the answers to those questions, jettisoning all of the emotion and dogma that has grown around this “pandemic,” you realize there are no answers that make sense.
Should you happen to get into a conversation with a Mask-hole, it is easy to get them to admit that they are aware that even with both of you wearing masks, there is still no guarantee transmission won’t happen. Again, if this is the modern day equivalent of the Black Plague, why are you even risking leaving your house? By admitting there is still a chance of getting the virus while wearing a face diaper, these people give up their moral “high ground” because now they become a threat to you as they may be a carrier, shedder, or whatever scare term they’re using this week. This is all daft.
When you go to the airport and stand in the line to check your luggage, you are made to stand six feet apart. “Please social distance!” Honestly, I practiced social distancing long before CV19 but it has really made me want to expand that six feet way, way out from most people. So, now it comes time to board the plane and they still want you to stand six feet apart walking down the jetway. OK, so now I’m on the plane. Even when Delta had middle seats blocked off, what do you think the distance to the next seat was? Six feet? Nope. And assholes such as myself either nibbled on food, or nursed a drink the whole flight so we didn’t have to mask up. Insanity.
According to a recent poll, 44% of the country is OK with “vaccine passports.” This can be described as nothing other than mass hysteria. Just the few anecdotes I listed above, show that the so-called experts are either completely incompetent, or they’re just toying with you. And I’m willing to accept both premises. We’ve got a serious problem and it starts with people not being able to recognize that we’re living in the most bizarre of times - with people either too stupid, or too afraid to ask simple questions about what they’re experiencing. This raises the question, again, what can you do? You need to wake up everyone you can. And as soon as possible.