'It's All For The Common Good' - Bought And Sold!
"He will win whose army is animated by the same spirit throughout all its ranks"
The genius of this whole “Coronavirus Hoax” - as the great Ron Paul coined it on March 16, 2020 - is that the puppeteers who orchestrated it knew the public at large would become the defenders and enforcers of the measures they were going to put in place. They knew “Karen” and “Kyle” were their allies. It was actually genius. There is no greater motivator than fear. Anyone conscious after 9/11 knows this.
Allow me to share a poll from this USA Today article. I know, I know, who reads the USA Today? They still have a distribution of over a million papers daily and they’re national so maybe there’s something we can take from it. The stats on the poll are: 1,088 adults taken Aug. 17-18, 2021. Credibility interval +/-3.4 percentage points.
“Not an infringement on personal liberty.” Requiring that you cover your face in public should not be YOUR choice according to the respondents. I’m starting to think the Taliban are not as primitive as we think they are. 61% believe you should be forced to have a medical procedure to leave your house. Does anyone want to make an argument for “democracy” right now?
What do you think the opinion of the average working-class person is?
This transit worker may as well be the average college professor or New York Times columnist. Is this not a direct quote out of a communist text? If ordinary people are agreeing with Stalin and Mao, seriously, where are we at as a culture?
It doesn’t get better:
THIS is the medical apartheid many of us have been screaming from the rooftops about. Now, I understand their use of the term “Americans” here is only a survey of a little over a thousand people, and should be seen as the propaganda it is, but if 70% of the people surveyed believe that you should be barred from participating in society, we have a real problem on our hands.
As I stated at the outset, those who orchestrated this tyranny appear to be geniuses. They “hacked” the culture in a way that is akin to Nazi Party propaganda of the 1930s. And believe me, I understand invoking the Nazis is a tired device. But when one segment of the population has been convinced that the other is a literal VIRUS, I believe the comparison holds up.
Not to be too black-pilled here, but if this is at all accurate, I don’t know what can be done other than to embrace the “COVID Jim Crow” and create our own distribution outlets, etc. The puppeteers got us good on this one.
It is a split that will NEVER be reconciled because so many people love to be raped and abused in the name of something sinister and obsucre I cannot understand.
But if the injection protects those who get it then why so much concern about us, the idiots? A chance to get rid of all in a sense. It is an oxymoron amplified by 100.
"The clean must be protected from the unclean!"..........that sentiment is as old as people. Add armies of lawyers and a society with a pride, greed and gluttony problem, and I am not so sure any of this is unpredictable anymore. Good luck out there comrades!