“There are no teachers in kindergarten brainwashing kids into radical, progressive ideology. No! You’d have to be an idiot to think that.” And even if there were, JUST HOMESCHOOL your kids, right? Oh but that takes effort, and money. Yeah that pesky thing, money. When the suggestion has been made recently that maybe libertarians, anarchists, etc., should make more income because wealth is power, there has been a default to, “but if I make more money that’s more of my taxes paying for bombs being dropped in Yemen!” Yeah, stay broke even though they’d just print more if they couldn’t fund it with tax dollars (which they aren’t).
You gotta love it when the “smartest people in the room” are willing to struggle financially because they don’t understand how the central bank they rail against works. I’ve even had one person say, “well hey, just fuck poor people, right?” If they’re such a concern to you, how about you help them? Who are you waiting to do it, the government?
Anyway, enough with that rant. Back to the brainwashing of kids. As vile as this video is, at least they’re telling us what they’re doing. No, they’re not just telling us, they’re celebrating it. Have fun with this one. I hope you have an empty stomach.
I homeschooled back in 2000-2006 then we did "cyber school" until 2008. We were pioneers then and highly criticized by nearly every one including family members. These are the same people who talked about the importance of socialization of children in school setting.
It is all about following trends of virtue signaling I guess.
We live on a tiny cul-de-sac in a very Mormon, semi-rural, suburb of Utah, and THREE families on our street (maybe 15 residences) have non cis gendered kids. Some fucked up shit is happening in Utah right now.