You’re going to have to want to stop this yourselves. Either by getting your kids out of Caesar’s schools, or devising a plan to privatize them in your town like Hans-Hermann Hoppe talks about here. Either way, this is escalating fast. I don’t mean to say that government schools weren’t always about owning you child’s mind, but when they’re saying the quiet parts out loud, on gubernatorial campaign lawn signs no less, you can no longer deny that they have declared war on you. YOU, the parent of YOUR child, the war is on you!
And yes, this is the former head of the DNC, Terry McAuliffe, re-emerging from the shadows with the intent to be chief executive of Virginia. This sign was spotted in Arlington.
This hits close to home, since I'm in Virginia, and my kids are in the Fairfax County public school system, and I won't be able to get them out (divorce). My only option is to de/counter program them when they're with me. My 11 year old and I discussed pronouns this weekend. Since some of her friends think they are "demi-girls", which I think just means tomboy, we discussed how having all these names for things, and forcing people to fit into a box, even if there's a lot more boxes than there used to be, is actually stifling people and seems to primarily be a way to cause conflict. She seemed to agree with me, and not just in a "right dad" way.
That said, I have to assume this sign is a false flag. Otherwise, I'm vastly over-estimating the democrats intelligence.
Not sure who is making these signs.