As mentioned previously, even without government-imposed tyranny in response to COVID 19 or the George Floyd riots, 2020 was destined to be a shit show as it was a national election year where the incumbent was hated by the majority of the population. And what were we given to go up against the “Reality Show Host-in-Chief? Joe fucking Biden. A man who can barely make it through a speech without looking like a completely confused jackass. A guy who likes children to play with his leg hair. A guy who went to war with a “bad dude” by the name of "Corn Pop.” He’s also responsible for the 1994 Crime Bill and has been one of the biggest promoters of the “War on Drugs” but hey, after four years of having a clown show in the White House, no need to talk about actual policy.
This election was insanity. Let’s start with the mail-in ballots. Seriously, could people not see this was a recipe for fraud (even if as claimed none was committed)? 26.6 million mail-in ballots were submitted and, as mentioned previously, we are to believe each one had a signature verification check done in a matter of days. Impossible. Election observers came forward and signed affidavits saying they witnessed fraud but were told they were lying. My problem with that is bearing false witness is perjury and a crime yet none of the witnesses are being brought up on charges even though there’s a “full-court press” to punish anyone seen as loyal to Trump. It’s like they don’t want to take the case to court as that would allow evidence of inconsistencies and possible fraud to be introduced into the public.
I know elections have been stolen in the past and that irregularities have occurred in each one, but what we saw out of the tech sector in 2020 is historic. Facebook, Twitter and Google did everything they could to shut down any and all opposition to Joe Biden’s candidacy. When the New York Post - the fourth largest newspaper in the nation - had its Twitter account shut down due to its reporting on the Hunter Biden laptop, I knew the fix was in and there was no way Trump was going to be allowed to win. Twitter made it so any link to that story was forbidden from being posted. Google throttled searches and Facebook took down any mention of the story. Personally, my Facebook account was suspended for 30 days, exactly 29 days before the election and then I was not allowed to post anything in Facebook groups for another 30 days beyond the election.
And that’s what I want to end on. The “Cathedral” is using alleged “private companies” to censor dissident voices. And this is where “Libertarianism” fails every time. The Libertarian worship of business puts them in the position of excusing, and in many cases, cheering on this censorship. In the past three days three officers in the Mises Caucus of the Libertarian Party have had their Facebook accounts eliminated. Groups are being taken down. Even a milquetoast, left-libertarian group full of people some of us call the “Loser Brigade” had their group taken down. And they excused it by saying that they would rebuild but at least they got the Mises Caucus guys. Imagine being defeated in battle and excusing it by celebrating that your perceived adversary was destroyed as well. The government is using “Big Tech” to silence dissident voices and the people who identify as anti-government and pro-rights, are some of those same people cheering on “Big Tech’s” actions. Mind-boggling!
The state itself is a corporation. Twitter, your local deli in many cases, and the US government are all corporations. Why? The defining feature of a corporation is limited liability. Someone feel free to correct me if I’m incorrect because I’m no expert. But the point I want to make is that even on the playing field of libertarian rationalism boarding on autism, the logic of “it’s a private company bro” falls apart. Limited liability is a conspiracy between voters, lawyers, jails, policeman, mayors, governors, etc. How can you call that private? A corporation is a bit like a magical shield that potential thieves use as protection against other man who might potentially punch them in the face for not paying their debts. Is alternatives to the institution of limited liability an important discussion? Is it being had anywhere?
Checking on my terms, I found this useful reminder. “The US constitution is best understood not as a “social contract,” but as a popularly issued corporate charter. The earliest American colonies were literal corporations of the crown, and like all corporations, were ruled by limits governments established by their charters... The key federalist innovation was to substitute the people for the King as the chartering sovereign.”
It is disgusting, "the cathedral". and these are the people we have to live next to, be forced into their government systems or otherwise unable to "opt-out."