
I don’t really have an opinion one way or the other about Kanye West (Ye). I have enjoyed some of his music, but I believe he is either high on the autism spectrum or mentally imbalanced. I don’t believe he’s the Second Coming of Malcolm X. However, his calling out of “The Tribe” has been a topic of conversation lately so I thought I’d address it as someone who also suffers from noticing patterns.

As a default conspiracy theorist, my first thought is that Ye’s recent rants have been a distraction from something much bigger that’s happening. And I don’t believe he has to be in on that “something bigger” as provoking volatile figures into outbursts and/or actions is something the Social Engineers have been doing for decades.

If I take Ye’s observations at face value, how can I disagree? He started talking about The Tribe’s power and JP Morgan Chase cut ties with him. The joke goes something like, “pointing out that The Tribe has the power to cancel people gets people canceled.” Well? Do I need to trot out tropes about who controls banking?

Leaving all that aside, I see Ye’s calling out of The Tribe as bait. When we take into consideration The Regime’s (The Tribe’s) war on those who question any of The Regime’s narratives (Biden’s ‘Red Wedding’ speech in Philadelphia, etc.), we must ask ourselves whether the coverage of Ye’s observations is meant to provoke everyday people into making their concerns public when it comes to The Tribe. But what you need to remember is, Ye is a public figure who, even with JP Morgan Chase punishing him, most assuredly has contingency plans should The Regime/Tribe wage Total War on him. Also, if he were to apologize and fully repent, they would take him back into the fold and parade him as a reformed bigot. Do you think they would afford you that same luxury were you to start pointing out your adeptness at pattern recognition? Or do you think they’d instead make an example of you?

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