I don’t really have an opinion one way or the other about Kanye West (Ye). I have enjoyed some of his music, but I believe he is either high on the autism spectrum or mentally imbalanced. I don’t believe he’s the Second Coming of Malcolm X. However, his calling out of “The Tribe” has been a topic of conversation lately so I thought I’d address it as someone who also suffers from noticing patterns.
As a default conspiracy theorist, my first thought is that Ye’s recent rants have been a distraction from something much bigger that’s happening. And I don’t believe he has to be in on that “something bigger” as provoking volatile figures into outbursts and/or actions is something the Social Engineers have been doing for decades.
If I take Ye’s observations at face value, how can I disagree? He started talking about The Tribe’s power and JP Morgan Chase cut ties with him. The joke goes something like, “pointing out that The Tribe has the power to cancel people gets people canceled.” Well? Do I need to trot out tropes about who controls banking?
Leaving all that aside, I see Ye’s calling out of The Tribe as bait. When we take into consideration The Regime’s (The Tribe’s) war on those who question any of The Regime’s narratives (Biden’s ‘Red Wedding’ speech in Philadelphia, etc.), we must ask ourselves whether the coverage of Ye’s observations is meant to provoke everyday people into making their concerns public when it comes to The Tribe. But what you need to remember is, Ye is a public figure who, even with JP Morgan Chase punishing him, most assuredly has contingency plans should The Regime/Tribe wage Total War on him. Also, if he were to apologize and fully repent, they would take him back into the fold and parade him as a reformed bigot. Do you think they would afford you that same luxury were you to start pointing out your adeptness at pattern recognition? Or do you think they’d instead make an example of you?
It’s the old joke: If you hate bankers, you’re a communist; if you name them, you’re a Nazi.
Regardless of who’s pulling what strings (or peyots), we’re still very much in the stop and listen phase of whatever this is.
If it's on TV, you're meant to see it. No exceptions.
The world is vast enough that the corporate press and powers that be can simply pick which stories promote their power, and suppress those that challenge it. I don't think he's in on anything either, he's just giving them exactly what they need.
I’m guilt of taking this bait, drawing the eye of Sauron probably isn’t my best move.
Is he repenting? I hope not. He likes poking the bear and seeing what happens. He was kind of nothing until he went after Taylor Swift. He likes slaughtering sacred cows and inviting the masses over for BBQ. That's how he gets famous. He might just discover though, some of those are bulls when he gets the horn. We'll see.
I lean towards Ye being mentally unwell somehow while at the same time appreciating a decent amount of what he has to say. I feel like he’s somewhat of a litmus test for the Right vs everyone else. Many conservatives appreciate several of his statements while being against his “anti-Semitism”, while neocons and the left (one and the same) just denounce him as insane and being used by MAGA or something. Anyway, basically anyone who doesn’t really care about what Ye thinks of the Tribe are, in my opinion, at least a good bit to the right.
Until Tribe-members on the Right start publicly addressing the JQ en masse, it's a Third Rail
True. Hopefully we’re pushing ever closer to that happening.
I suspect these quiet conversations are likely already happening offline IRL behind closed doors. I just can’t fathom how they couldn’t be because when thinking about this from a Game Theory standpoint if I know for a fact that this question is going to come up at some point in the near future, then the least damaging path is to bring it up first to try and control the narrative surrounding it. If I allow someone else to ask the obvious question then by default I’m allowing a potential opponent to frame the debate.
There are only a few games that long... money or perpetual war are the two most plausible in my mind.
Ah yes of course finite games versus infinite games obviously have different win tactics and strategies. That being said look at the glorious comments on this Lotus Eaters clip about Kanye getting Cancelled by No One in Particular. https://youtu.be/ZxMq8pxd3AE
It’s a tactic to splinter the MAGA movement, just like that ridiculous federal abortion ban floated by Mitch. This is allowed. I’m still not 100% positive the roe decision wasn’t allowed. It’s all maneuvering if you ask this old goat. We are still looking at the Clinton machine. If you know, you know. They’re even trotting out the 1991 lines about social security and Medicare. Remember? Gingrich wanted to “feed the elderly cat food” back then. They’ve been outrageous for decades and gone 100% unquestioned by the 🛎 media. 110% actually because they run cover for those bastards whenever their dick is in the wind. I wish they feared a formidable dissident right, but they do fear the maga movement. To go this deep into the well, they are downright scared. I’ve watched this machine closely for 30 years. The Jewish angle is digital J6 chaos magic.
E Michael Jones’ perspective of the Jewish community being a permanent minority in every society imo is trending toward a true understanding of the things we’re not supposed to notice.
https://odysee.com/@Freemanbeyondthewall:d/750:21 Pete’s interview with Dr. E. Michael Jones from 4 months ago on how the Weimar Republic was destroyed VERY illuminating
This is the cold splash of water that we need in regards to this story. That being said while I 100% agree there’s a massive element of bait here, I can’t help but wonder just how dangerous it is from the Regime’s perspective to have someone at the scaled of Kanye just blurting out questions of this nature in public.
He’s one of the most popular musicians of the last couple decades so by default every single thing he says is going to be dissected and the minutiae analyzed by at least a couple million of his own fans. That means by extension several million small quiet IRL conversations broaching the topic of the JQ and that’ll of course have radically varying consequences person to person but if we take into account Pareto and Standard Deviation Bell Curves then it’s a nightmare for the Regime to have him speak.
Let’s say out of 10 million people who have now seen that clip and know what Kanye is asking about maybe a half million have already been wondering the same thing but obviously know what sort of insane 3rd rail it is to discuss publicly.
Out of that half million maybe 20,000 are actively going to now take the risk of venturing out and finding others online. Those 20,000 will act as a center point for the half million and from there the red pill is permanent. I’m widely off on all these figures btw because I suspect they may be much higher.
Also what happens if there’s another high profile figure that starts asking this same question? It’s possible this could start a trend and of course we’re still less than 3 weeks away from finding out if we can still actually vote our way out of this insanity so that election is absolutely a factor in all this.
That being said this question is not going away ever because so much of what’s breaking down in our society right now is being engineered by the same groups that engineered the previous World Wars, Weimar cultural degradation, Banking Cartel, etc. so the pressure to not ask these 3rd rail questions is going to run up against the reality of things like food supply chains breaking down and who is causing it.
Btw I’m literally watching a developer talk for Urbit right now that was started by Curtis Yarvin and this is effectively a new type of distributed uncensorable computer that’s designed to be censorship proof from the getgo and will hopefully solve virtually every Big Tech problem we have today by easily allowing every user to effectively and easily run their own server with virtually zero maintenance.
I think this may be the technical solution for everything the Dissident Right, NeoReactionary, Heterodox, etc. everything the non-Normie thinkers have been complaining about for decades online, I think this platform Urbit and the tools built on top of it will solve all of them and much more.
Basically imagine a computer that you can access from anywhere that by design you and you alone control access to with zero 3rd parties ever being able to see what’s on it although that’s an oversimplification as well.
I agree it’s bait for sure but he seems sincere in his complaints. I’m about half way through watching the full drink champs show on bitchute - and I keep having the thought that someone might have redpilled Kanye too quickly. Curious to see where this goes.
https://youtu.be/ZxMq8pxd3AE Lotus Eaters clip from yesterday about Kanye West getting Cancelled by No One in Particular - 72,000+ views already with 1,600+ comments that are VERY spicy and quite funny too. Every major youtuber that has to do a video on this because of how big the story is is having to dance around this issue like Dancing Israelis instead of just focusing on things like Liberty as in the USS Liberty. The commenters on all those other youtube videos will also reference how shrewd of a businessman Larry Silverstein was to get that special insurance on the World Trade Center just before 9/11.
People are now on the fringe and especially on Rumble rather openly talking about the Khazarian Mafia and just how bad their infiltration of every major institution in our country and by extension our world really is. Even if this is all being orchestrated on purpose possibly to split the MAGA movement, at some point this question had to be inevitable.
I want to temper any excitement I may feel until after I see the results of whatever insanity unfold over the next 3 weeks to try and potentially delay, suspend, outright cancel the November 2022 Election.
I don’t believe this is entirely about the MAGA movement. I believe the mainstreaming of this conversation is indeed preliminary damage control. Primarily to control the narrative as it inevitably unfolds, as you mentioned, but secondarily weaponized in several ways against immediate threats like the populist/MAGA movement. This is already being used as a splintering tactic. They need to manufacture some outrage quickly and this is hot lava to normie ears.
Now this is likely a lot closer to what’s actually happening here. I can see the controllers trying to weaponize this to splinter any and all anti-Regime populist movements.
That being said the energy behind those asking the question is much more potent than the lack of energy from those who want to keep their heads up their asses and stay blue pilled.
Their conditioning can and will break down under forceful direct confrontational questions from their own side because now actual reality is smacking us all in the face and there are just one too many completely retarded restrictions on pattern recognition and one side is really done being told to shut up.
This morning’s headlines of “Trump’s antisemitic Truth” are confirmation of my thoughts on the matter. JQ = J6
This right here is what I hope is happening 10 million times over in various subtle small conversations IRL across the country and the world.