If you spend any time debating or watching debates on social media, you may have come to the conclusion that certain words no longer have a specific, discernible meaning. "Racist" is one of those words that immediately comes to mind. Anyone who says they don’t want to live in a city because crime is out of control…Racist. Express concern about illegal aliens pouring over the border without so much as a health screening—especially after a "pandemic"— Racist. That’s the extent of debate… You’re just a racist. At this point, I’m not going to argue with these people. My most common response has become, "And?" The people hurling these accusations aren’t interested in having a conversation, and that’s actually a good thing. Because the time for conversation is over. The time for separation and organization is upon us.
Another term, which has become popular to use as a weapon by Progressives and the powers-that-be against their perceived enemies, is “fascist.” The source I’m using basically defines fascist as “authoritarian,” so even though that definition is ahistorical, I’m going to run with it.
The F-scale is a personality test designed in 1947 by Frankfurt School "thought leader" Theodor Adorno and others to measure whether an individual has an "authoritarian personality." If one scores above 80 on their test, they are diagnosed with severe psychopathology and anti-democratic tendencies. Some may argue it would be important to identify those among us who would be engaged in thought that could be dangerous to societal order. Many would agree on principle. Adorno's personality test, like others, contains queries that are meant to expose the opinions of the participants. When it comes to the F-scale, here are examples of those opinions one may hold that would get them diagnosed as potential “fascists:”
It is essential for learning or effective work that our teachers or bosses outline in detail what is to be done and exactly how to go about it.
Sciences like chemistry, physics, and medicine have carried men very far, but there are many important things that can never possibly be understood by the human mind.
There is too much emphasis in colleges on intellectual and theoretical topics, not enough emphasis on practical matters and on the homely virtues of living.
Obedience and respect for authority are the most important virtues children should learn.
What this country needs is fewer laws and agencies, and more courageous, tireless, devoted leaders whom the people can put their faith in.
No sane, normal, decent person could ever think of hurting a close friend or relative.
Here are a few more:
He is indeed contemptible who does not feel an undying love, gratitude, and respect for his parents.
No insult to our honor should ever go unpunished.
Sex crimes, such as rape and attacks on children, deserve more than mere imprisonment; such criminals ought to be publicly whipped.
Some of you may disagree with a few of the above statements, but would any of you deem someone a fascist for holding them? If your answer is yes, please ask yourself why you believe that. These are opinions that, at the time, were held by the overwhelming majority of White, Christian, Western people. In my opinion, the F-scale was invented to standardize the idea that what were the normal opinions and beliefs of that time were to be associated with certain regimes accused of monstrous atrocities alleged to have occurred in the recent World War. And I bolded that last statement because when you consider what we are seeing pushed publicly in regard to children, alarm bells should be set off.
The Wikipedia page for the F-scale lists the personality dimensions it is intended to examine:
Conventionalism: conformity to the traditional societal norms and values of the middle class
Authoritarian submission: a passive notion towards adhering to conventional norms and values
Authoritarian aggression: punishing and condemning individuals who don’t adhere to conventional values
Religion and Ethics
Superstition and Stereotypy
Power and "Toughness"
Anti-intraception: "rejection of all inwardness, of the subjective, the imaginative, the tender-minded, and of self-criticism"
Destructiveness and Cynicism: generalized hostility, vilification of the human
Projectivity: the disposition to believe that wild and dangerous things go on in the world; the projection outwards of unconscious emotional impulses
Sex: exaggerated concern with sexual "goings-on"
If we take an honest look at what Adorno and his colleagues sought to accomplish in creating the F-scale—the demonization of White, Western, Man—it is clear that they were successful. If the personality dimensions haven’t been suppressed in most people, and especially men, in the West, they are certainly demonized by those who hold the keys to the culture. These are the people who push the trans agenda publicly, want to teach gay sex acts to your grade schoolers, and call you a Nazi for pushing back against it. You are a fascist for going to school board meetings and reading perverse books aloud that are in your child’s school library. The question is: are you standing there insulted by their pejoratives and arguing, "I’m not a fascist," or are you responding, "I don’t give a fuck what you call me; this is about the filth you perverts are pushing on my kids, and it needs to stop right now!" Again, the time for arguing is over. It is time for separation and organization.
The more I read about the Spanish Civil War, the more I like Franco. Too bad he never had a successor. I like the Falangists and Carlists.
“ living in a country where it’s crime free orderly where people speak politely and respect elders and culturally homogeneous is a totally Fascist society!!! . Yup! And that’s why it’s awesome and people would want to live in a place like that voluntarily including liberal goobers secretly hating themselves for loving it there and they can’t do anything about it because it’s run by a Rightwing Authoritarian state.