Oddly, I don’t have a lot to comment on today. Much is happening in the news but when I examine it it mostly looks like cointelpro. I see that a lot lately. And I’m glad I’m not the only one. I was pleased to see my friend James Jenneman Tweet this:

Some of us have been saying that “the powers that be” rolled out the COVID regime and ramped up the tyranny too fast for the majority to buy in fully. Or, that was the plan. It appears they’re trying to end some of the narrative in this fashion as well and it’s nice to see I wasn’t the only one thinking it.
But, on to the title. Since I took this Substack in the direction of concentrating on the growing technocratic tyranny, and the lunacy of the “woke” Left, one of my focuses has been to motivate people to act. I’ve talked about everything from leaving urban areas, to flooding town or school councils with people to let them know you’re not going to comply. Unfortunately, it appears the Right (Republicans) are more dedicated to this task than libertarians. So many appear to believe if they ignore it it will go away. I believe we’re past that point.
How do we communicate to libertarians the necessity of taking action? Especially action that would require organization with others. It’s where I get more resistance than anywhere else.
In Utah, a joint effort was made to let the local hospital chain know vax mandates would be unacceptable to the potential customers. So a bunch of people in the state, Republicans, Libertarians, you name it called the hospital admin or signed petitions that they'd boycott should the hospital mandate vax for staff. We won. Pick libertarian activities that use free market and appeal to libertarian sensibilities. To me, these are the only "activism" worth doing. Political activism just gets political results and those can always change based on the politician. Community action is another story.
Dave Smith is the only way to get them mobilized. Teaming up with Popular Liberty, repeating "don't make the perfect the enemy of the good," and going on as many right wing podcasts (especially Elijah Schaffer and BlazeTV) is what will inoculate libertarians against their impulse to not work with anyone.
Dave Smith has the kind of pull no one else has. I don't feel like there's a way to get a lot of reinforcement without him. He has that terrible libertarian instinct, though, where he doesn't feel comfortable telling anyone what to do, even though "our country's on a suicide mission." That aside, he does seem persuadable.
Outside of what you're doing, convince Dave to at least make an effort to focus on rightwing dissidents and to stop lumping failed libertarian strategy with local republican coalitions (free state project, working with democrats, the Tho strategy whatever you think will work! I'm more of a big picture guy).
I'm trying the opposite direction, and you've been an immense resource to get rightwingers I'm involved with to not look like they watched a live tracheotomy when I mention "libertarian."