The video clip below is short but informative. If you’ve at all been following how the Australian provinces have been handling the government created hysteria due to COVID-19, you know that they have gone full-on Orwellian. Here’s a New York Times “analysis” praising Perth, the fourth largest city in Australia, for locking down over one case. Imagine what that author would have done here if he had the power or influence.
The video below shows Brad Hazzard, the Minister for Health and Medical Research of New South Wales, describing the plan for New South Wales to mass vaccinate 24,000 children… in a stadium… being led by the police… and the parents aren’t allowed to accompany them in. They are assured that their children will be well taken care of. This is a scene out of any dystopian “fiction” you can think of.
And not to turn this into a conspiracy theory - which has come to mean “spoiler alert” - but we know that people in high places participate in pedophilia. What better way to scout out children for their vile practices than to herd them all into one place where they will have access to all of the children’s most personal information. I’m not saying that all public workers can do this, but one or two in this large-scale operation is not unimaginable.
To paraphrase Michael Malice: the State regards your kids as their property. Since the inauguration of the Prussian model of schooling this is inarguable. This is Australia. I have seen many Tweets from “blue-check mark” Cathedral operatives praising Australia’s handling of this “crisis” asking, “why not here?”
Here’s the video, although short, you get the message. I did not edit in the graphics and have not found the original.
I imagine this is to stop any parents from ushering their kids out if kids receiving shots start fainting or having seizures. The students who have a mind to run will be forced likely and held down.
Are Australians fleeing?? I can’t imagine not trying to flee the country with my kid. Are they even allowed to get on a plane?