I’m beyond the point where anything surprises me when it comes to the DC regime’s foreign policy. And I’m not talking about Biden’s White House. If you haven’t realized that the permanent state is the real power, then please hurry and catch up. And by permanent state I am not speaking of “Obama holdovers” like the idiot Conservatives talk about, but those unelected bureaucrats who have been carefully selected to perpetually represent the interests of our captors. Understanding even cursory mentions of foreign policy depends upon this knowledge.
Is the “US” really launching a war against the Houthis? Really? You mean the Yemeni faction the US has already helped Saudi Arabia bomb for going on 9 years now? And in the process, has caused the deaths of as many as 300,000 people, including starting a freaking cholera epidemic in the 21st century. Those Houthis? And why? Because they are backed by Iran? And what country has for decades warned that Iran is one month from having nuclear weapons? The country that’s not supposed to have nukes but does and pulls the strings of our own government?
It’s all so tiresome. I would say ignore it if it weren’t for the fact that (a)mericans not only have to pay for all of this but are consequently seen as the enemies of another group because of the actions of this captured government. We have to stay educated on what this occupied government does so that we can plan accordingly.
What can you do right now? I believe the most important action you can take is to do everything you can to dissuade family members and friends from joining any branch of the US military. Face it, once enlisted, your loved ones will be serving foreign powers. The “actions” being taken by the regime are not in the interest of (a)mericans. No matter what line of BS they try to feed you about shipping and commerce, it’s all fear-mongering. Any action the regime takes or supports has consequences, and no matter how incompetent you believe they may be, they rarely take into account the consequences of their actions before they act. The regime is to blame. Anyone telling you something contrary is either your enemy or a dupe. Often, they can be both. I pray that with this information, you can make wise decisions and also help influence those you know and love.
It’s crazy to me that there is more appeal to living in Brazil than the USA long term. Sure, crime statistics there are high but at the same time, at least Brazil doesn’t just wage war for the sake of keeping the war machine humming. It’s time to look in the mirror and realize we live in a hostile nation.
Re: “I believe the most important action you can take is to do everything you can to dissuade family members and friends from joining any branch of the US military.”
Niccolo Machiavelli pointed out in his classic book The Prince that a ruler can arm his subjects only if he is liked by them (e.g., found to be a legitimate leader who protects their interests). Thus, a ruler needs to cultivate the support of the common citizens and not of the “Mighty”. But this historical truth is no longer valid. With modern techo-war (cheap wood drones, hypersonic cruise missiles, satellite precision targeting, etc.) boots on the ground are no longer needed except in urban occupation warfare (Fallujah, Iraq) and fighting from a long distance is the modus operandi. So, using the COVID shots to weed out the most patriotic soldiers and replace them with paid off slaves recruited the underclass, partly from South America, the military no longer needs the support of common citizens as much.
They (the Ruling Class) no longer need legitimacy to undertake wars. The city-state of Florence, Italy, of Machiavelli, faced something similar when cavalry was replaced by tight formations of soldiers deploying 20-foot long spears and supported by cadres of archers launching arrows from a distance. But now we are talking about hundreds to thousands of miles stand off distance. Our “occupied” army no longer needs or wants common citizens to fight its wars for the interests of solely Oligarchs.
The only upside to this is the Rulers may not need to fabricate a Pearl Harbor, 9/11, sinking of the USS Maine or the Lusitania to galvanize the nation.
As for your suggestion that people read Machiavelli, I suggest not because there are so many pop and academic books that distort what he wrote. Neo-con Leo Strauss intentionally portrayed Machiavelli as evil to drive people away from reading him. Machiavelli cannot be understood without understanding the context in which he wrote, which was a battle between the Oligarchs and the Commoners, in which he advocated for the commoners. But Machiavelli may be obsolete now that Oligarchs have nearly conquered the world.
No, Machiavelli was not a teacher of evil. He said that the means are justified by the ends but only in four emergencies: to fight wars when clear economic interests are threatened, reforming a corrupt state, to quell insurrections, and driving out foreigners. This has all gone out the window because armies are mere mercenary forces now with no loyalty needed or wanted. So, Israel can bomb Gaza to smithereens, the psychopaths don’t care about what you think about it. War is one psychopath fighting another. There no longer is a “just war”.
As to the theme of your webpage – By Any Memes Necessary – Machiavelli as you know was a Realist who said that “Necessity has no law”; it is existential. What has become obsolete is Machiavelli’s imploring Florence’s Oligarchs to consider Cicero’s “meme”: “let the salvation of the Roman people be the supreme law”. When Oligarch’s take over a nation (and the globe), and corporations rule not government, it is called “Fascism”. On fascism suggest reading Clara Mattei’s book The Capital Order (2022) to understand our current situation. Arrivederci, Grazia.