“We live under the most fascist government in history!” Conservatives?
“No, we live under the most communist government in history!” Boomercons?
“Hey, neither of those are real fascism or communism!” Autist?
“You’re all stupid. It’s all totalitarianism and I’m above all of it!” Sniffs his own farts guy/gal?
When I examine the regime in charge, I don’t see socialism, fascism, Marxism, Cultural Marxism, or whatever someone selling you a book or subscription is telling you it is. What I see is people with the ability to push ANY agenda because they possess the reins of power. If you held those reins of power, you would have to ask yourself, what agenda would you be pushing? What policies would you be repealing? What would you be demanding?
Government is force, and government is the monopoly on violence (someone should do a documentary on that or something) in any given area. The amount of force and violence they combine with the culture they promote is what causes people to label them as communist, fascist, totalitarian, or whatever. Identifying how a government operates and the culture they promote, and giving it a label, tends to make some people feel like they know a secret or possess some special knowledge, but what is more important is to understand the nature of government and how it has been operated and changed historically.
Let’s use the example of the Soviet Union. I have witnessed people make the statement that the United States won the Cold War "without firing a shot." That’s ludicrous. As Thomas777 pointed out in our Cold War series, the Korean and Vietnam Wars were both Cold War proxy battles against the Soviet Union, not to mention the wars in Central America. Then you must consider what the Cold War arms race was —the build-up of nuclear arsenals to the point where the world could be blown up 50 times over—making it one of the gravest threats I can imagine.
Ok, Pete, what are you getting at? As I mentioned above, many wish to see a change in the leadership of the current regime under which they live. This regime is openly hostile to people who aren’t 100% onboard with its agenda. If you question an election, you’re the enemy. If you suggest there’s a trans or gay agenda, you’re the enemy. If you make a meme, you are threatened with 10 years in prison. What do you think is going to have to happen for this to all come to an end? Here’s where I have to insert the disclaimer that I am not calling for an uprising or revolt. I’m not advocating that people take to the streets. There is no support structure in place like the one the regime has built for their apparatchiks. An uprising or revolt will only end with you in jail or dead. I don’t want that for you or your family. But if you are desperate for change in the future, please consider that you may have to support a legitimate counter “regime” that is not only willing to use the same force of power the current one is using, but probably more. Sitting around and waiting for this current regime to fall apart without pressure being put on it from the outside is folly.
I was paying attention during the 2008 housing and banking crises when people "in the know" were predicting that the system would fall apart within a couple of years. Good historians will tell you that the Roman Empire was falling apart 300–400 years before its ultimate collapse. If you believe we are living under a totalitarian regime and haven’t asked yourself what it will take to defeat it, you may be in denial. Force demands force. You can either embrace that or continue in whatever dream state you’ve adopted. Honestly, I sometimes wish I could go back to sleep.
Dude, i totally think i fucked myself over by learning too much.
"You’re all stupid. It’s all totalitarianism and I’m above all of it!” Sniffs his own farts guy/gal?"
Still laughing at this line, Pete! :D :D :D