'Don't Question the Experts!' - 2020 Year in Review Pt 7
“Who do you listen to? Who influences your day to day decisions? Many of us are being led & misled away from our own thinking power.”
So far I’ve provided you a grand overview of what I believe are the main events that influenced society in 2020. Today, however, I am leaving the bird’s eye view to instead take a worm’s eye view of specific “trends.”
By February/early-March, I began using the Hayekian term scientism on a regular basis. It was obvious from the start that the State’s preferred scientists were merely guessing (very poorly) when it came to what the public should be doing to protect itself from the virus. I knew they had crossed over from science to religion when doctors presenting alternatives were silenced. Priests of old were seen by the devout as everything from politicians to doctors. The modern-day version of that is the State-approved scientist. White coats have replaced priestly frocks and their recommendations from on high are wrought with just as many appeals to “faith.” Probably the most damning evidence against the “Medical Industrial Cathedral,” was their declaring Hydroxychloroquine anathema after Trump mentioned it as a potential treatment. From that moment on it appeared that every recommendation was coming straight from the pulpit with those who disagreed treated as heretics to be burned at the stake.
Scientism transitions into the concept of “technocracy” with ease. The best “normie” definition I could find for technocracy is: “the government or control of society or industry by an elite of technical experts.” Whereas many may view this concept as appealing, when you take into consideration the “experts” the government forced upon the public in response to CV19, you start to realize the “expert” part of that definition isn’t their main priority. In my opinion, the public VIEWING them as experts is more important to the powers that be than their ability to actually solve a crisis. Their being able to present themselves as learned and credible is what appears to be of use to the elites. I hope the reader is able to recognize the incredible danger in having a class of “experts” who it is forbidden to question. And I would especially hope the “libertarian” would see this as an assault on the “market of ideas” and, worst of all, a limiting of choices.
The questioning of the aforementioned priestly class of experts is verboten. How can you, a mere serf, question them when you do not possess the “secret knowledge?” “How can someone like you begin to understand these mysteries?” “Where is your medical degree from - GOOGLE?!” “Are you questioning the stats and data?” Who do you think you are?!”
I’ll end part 7 with a story I’ve shared on my podcast. When I was preparing for a flight to NYC in September, I received an email from Delta providing detailed information on everything they’re doing to keep me safe (how about not adopting the 737 Max, that would make me feel safe). The email clearly stated that masks slow the spread of CV19 and included two links to the CDC as proof of their claim. The curious fellow I am I decided to click the links. Both links led to pages where the CDC stated they BELIEVE masks help to slow the spread. It appears the “private companies” “libertarians” worship with undying loyalty aren’t above lying to get you to follow the government’s mandates.
To be continued. There’s so much more.
I am starting to refer to them all as the "White Coats", especially as they engage in medical and public tyranny to the masses. The institutions of education in this country have created their own classist structure in the information power domain and the new clerics and bishops shall not be questioned publicly. Corner one of them away from the public megaphone and most will acknowledge the heart of the scientific method is skepticism and time is the ultimate arbiter of truth through trial and error in experimentation. But most when confronted by a group would gladly fill their role in the ministry of truth. Radicalizing the thousands of graduate students in STEM who will not get professor jobs (the ratio is something like 100 to 1 in bodies to positions) and they won't get government jobs because those will go to the social scientists who understand how to say the sermon the best. I good deal are engineer minded and would make great builders and a counter-academic force. The problem comes with the carrots and sticks, many just don't see the value in liberty because they have never experienced it so instead they turn to Marxism. Can't say I am surprised to see all the new strange bedfellows, we will see what it brings. I appreciate your writing.
It frustrates me to have to explain ad nauseum that there are no studies demonstrating the masks are decreasing the spread of respiratory viruses going in OR out. But there is study after study PROVING unanimously that asymptomatic carriers cannot spread specifically the magic cootie in question. I am always referred to a single study from the Philippines when PRE symptomatic people are alleged to have spread the virus to 6 other people. The problem is that it is taken for granted that the virus wasn’t already circulating prior which we know now is false. With every study that comes out trying to prove efficacy of masks or the potency of asymptomatic carriers has massive fraud or false premises involved deeming it irrelevant. The one that pisses me off the most was a study that compares disease spread in a locked down state before and after wide spread mask usage. Unfortunately, though, they managed to bitch the entire date of the “before” and the total estimated amounts of people in the demographic who were wearing masks by SEVENTY FIVE PERCENT! This was pointed out to the study authors numerous time but they refused to comment OR retract and NOW that massively botched study is used to “fact check” people on social media making the accurate claim that the efficacy of masks is dubious.