I’m old enough to remember when politicians disagreed, they didn’t act like they hated each other. I use the word "act" because it’s hard for me to believe the combative way politicians treat each other in the current climate is genuine. Does this mean I believe the vitriol we are witnessing between elected officials is, in fact, kayfabe? I tend to assume a lot of it is. But much of it isn't, and that signals a change in the political climate for elected officials towards one another. And with many politicians viewing their political opponents as their enemies, it makes you wonder what they think of us.
One need only watch Joe Biden’s oft-referred-to "Red Speech" from last year—Aaron from Timeline Earth and I commented on it here—to witness the regime’s attitude towards those who question whether the 2020 presidential election results were legitimate. Those who disagreed with the election results were referred to as the "enemies of democracy" AND immoral.
With the knowledge that politicians view you as their enemy, it raises the question of how they intend to punish you for violating groupthink, other than by "black-bagging" you in the middle of the night and sending you to a Gulag, or worse. One example we’ve been seeing is that if you are too vocal about those opinions the regime considers "evil" and "immoral," the regime will embolden their apparatchiks in the Human Resources departments of your employer to terminate your employment, usually referring to an "Equity and Inclusion" document most employers require employees to sign as a requirement for employment. It doesn’t matter if the comment you made was posted from an anonymous account on social media; said apparatchiks are peppered throughout society to forensically go through your history to find your true identity. Would you consider people who are targeting you to destroy you both professionally and personally because of an opinion you hold your enemies?
In my last Substack article, I mentioned the ANTIFA attack on police at a future Atlanta public safety training center site this past Sunday. Anyone who remembers the mass riots and murders in the streets during 2020’s "Summer of Love" knows that unless you leave cities, and in many cases, suburbs, there’s a chance that any future riots could affect you or your loved ones in the most severe of ways. I would remind you that people who identify as ANTIFA consider you to be their enemy unless you agree with them 100% in their insane, anti-human ideology. Many have been overheard saying those who are not with them are considered fascists, and fascists are their main enemy. It’s in their name. Yet, I have witnessed many people who, when ANTIFA is brought up, brush aside any concern by mentioning that the government is the real enemy and ANTIFA is anti-government as well. I don’t want to spend the time right now proving that ANTIFA is indeed another group of apparatchiks for the government, but I would like to point out to these fools that ANTIFA is their enemy, even if they are unable or refuse to realize it.
To drive the point home as to how clueless many "freedom activists" are when it comes to not recognizing how dangerous their enemies are, I actually had several people on social media tell me earlier this week that they are so "pro-freedom" that even ANTIFA has a right to not only have weapons, but they would deliver the files to them personally so ANTIFA could 3D print their own guns. I’m sorry, but if you are so possessed by ideology that you would personally deliver the means by which a group of anti-human psychopaths would kill your neighbor, and possibly you, I have to judge you to be as evil as anti-human ANTIFA and place you into the enemy camp when it comes to the future survival of mankind.
When it comes to distinguishing between your friends and your enemies, determining who your friends are can be challenging. It’s hard to judge whether someone will support you when the chips are down. It’s much easier to recognize who your enemy is. Do they share your values? Have they been there for you in the past? Does every word that comes out of their mouth promote your extinction? I do not understand how some people refuse to identify and embrace the fact that there are groups and individuals who are enemies. Even in my worst lolbert days, I recognized ANTIFA for the enemy it is. Episode #3 of my podcast is entitled "Antifa: Their Founders and its Modern Counterfeit." Given that knowledge, it would be safe for you to question my sanity if I were one of those people advocating for these anti-human scum to be able to have firearms. I recall that Gauge Grosskreutz had a gun pointed at Kyle Rittenhouse before Rittenhouse "disarmed" him. Imagine me arguing that Grosskreutz had every right to brandish that gun. You’d judge me daft. Seeking to protect the rights of someone who is not only unwilling to reciprocate but is actively seeking to end your life is suicidal.
Certain types of local groups should be formed to “hold antifa accountable.” I won’t say what must be done, but we all know what must be done.
Anyone who is sympathetic to antifa is antifa adjacent and should be viewed as a coconspirator at the very least.
Libertarian ideologues are only setting themselves up to be sweet loot crates for the black bloc who would love nothing more than to destory them and likely will