They can really only take COVID so far. Yes, there will be people who are going to initiate their children into the “Cult of Covid,” meaning, we will see them wearing Red masks and keeping to themselves with their heads down and mumbling about how Christians are responsible for them having to get their 72nd boooooooster. OK, enough fanfic.
But, as you’ve been told, “Climate Change” will be the next scare and will be harder for any individual to deny. “It affects us all and we are ALL responsible!” So, not only will you have to take precautions, but you are the Wuhan Lab in this scenario. You are the enemy who unleashed this global pandemic. Yes, they will make this about the individual, every single one on the planet.
Check out some of the speech being used by Nancy Pelosi here:

Yes, she said ‘Net Zero Pollution.” Cows are polluters. Chickens are polluters. WE are polluters. What are their plans for us?
And if you don’t think the propaganda has started, you underestimate them. Here’s your first reported “victim:"
No, it’s not the Babylon Bee or The Onion. This is Climate Change’s Patient Zero, the one they build off.
But that can be hand-waved away. How do you get people prepared for Net Zero Emissions? Of course, you use celebrities, politicians and “private business-people.” They get YOU involved through daily emails. Everyone needs their “Two Minutes Hate!”
“Fight for Net Zero Emissions and Change the Course of History!” What government schooled, oversocialized idiot wouldn’t think that’s a good idea?
While we’re still fighting COVID-tyranny, an increased level of oppression is being constructed under our noses, and, in my opinion, will have a chance of getting even more people to buy into this cult. This will consist of a Left, Right and Center push.
And just to give you a taste of what I think is in store. Homeschooling? Well, that will be allowed but only in your house. Getting a bunch of kids together to learn in a “Home Pod” is too much carbon emissions under one roof to be safe. So, you have to quit your job and if you can’t afford to homeschool? UBI! Medicare For All! Oh, you’ll do it outside? In the winter? Or, won’t that be detrimental to the environment?
if you think this is far-fetched, think about the last 21 months.
The amount of climate change propaganda here in the UK is non-stop. I hear it on the radio, see it in print ads, and I'm sure the TV has it a lot too but I don't subject myself to that trash.