I catch a lot of shit for talking about “culture.” My question is; if there are people that want to live in a freer world, what gets them there? This is a genuine question. Put aside personal prejudices, what one’s religion may dictate of their cultural beliefs. How do you get to the level of liberty YOU desire? In my opinion, it all goes back to culture.
The culture of many on the Right in this country is one of being pro-police, pro-military intervention, pro-drug war, etc. BUT, anyone who has been paying attention for the last decade, and I mean PAYING ATTENTION without prejudice, will see that the Right has become less rigid on all of it. Many on the Right see the police differently as the cops enforce COVID mandates. Trump put a sense of “what are these wars all about” in them. And, legalization of weed isn’t an issue with most. We can work on them when it comes to other “drugs.” But one thing I know is when it comes to guns and COVID-tyranny, they pretty much agree with me. And they don’t want to see me lined up against a wall.
The Left? Where do I begin? Of course it isn’t everyone on the Left. But the ones who control academia, the corporate press and the government, the ones who make sure that things like this are happening…
… where do I fit into their world? And the more relevant question is: do the people who made this happen, and the ones cheering it on, ARE THEY GOING TO HELP YOU GET TO THAT LEVEL OF LIBERTY YOU WANT IN YOUR LIFE? That’s what this is all about. That’s what Hans-Hermann Hoppe has taken shit over for years (including from me until I came to this realization). We realize that as long as this insanity, this “progress” as some may call it, is not addressed, there is no hope for the kind of liberty you want. All of this clownshow shit is dependent upon enforcement by a State.
And former me would say, “well, just end the State,” like a fucking buffoon. What is the likelihood of that happening? Making statements like “just end the State” is evidence that you have done nothing except memorize bumper sticker slogans. And that you’ve given up on ever acquiring that liberty you desire. If you possess no ideas for how to deal with the clownish world the Left has concocted, just keep spouting slogans, calling people statists (another one that I did in the past) and generally being useless.
The Left has spent 100 years taking over academia, the press and those silent positions of power that survive every election and you think your slogans, or recruiting more people to your ideology is going to defeat it? When they own a leviathan of propaganda? OK guys. The Left promotes this…
… and people think because the overwhelming majority of the comments criticize it that’s something to be hopeful about. Be hopeful when videos about Ivermectin’s efficacies aren’t taken down because you have the dominant ideology. And how do you get there? Well, you have to start somewhere. But believing it’s going to happen by telling people to “read Rothbard” in an environment where people don’t read is probably a bad strategy. So people need to get their shit together. They need to figure out who their allies are and nail down a way to fight. And waiting until the elections of 2024 and hoping for some new movement to be born may just be too late. Especially when you don’t control the levers of propaganda.
I have been trying to communicate the strategy I think is the only LONG-TERM feasible one through my podcast because, IMO, it takes a State (even a tiny one, see Switzerland) to repel another State’s edicts. I believe this is why Hoppe speaks of forming 10,000 Lichtensteins to start and doesn’t default to “just collapse the State.” Even Friedrich Engels and Vladimir Lenin understood collapsing the State would just result in people begging for a State to replace it. And the market would provide. And anyone who invokes Gandhi to counter that statement should explain to me why India has been such a shitty country since if he “defeated the State.” Oh, the British are gone. Are they?
Choose your strategy going forward wisely. If the last 18 months have taught me anything, it’s that relying on those you thought were your ideological allies to be with you for the fight going forward may be folly. You may have to find ones that you wouldn’t have considered in 2019.
I choose the Amish as my allie.
I think you would be dead wrong about how flexible the Right really is. You have a better chance of joining Russell Brand and Glenn Beck as they become anarchists than you do of getting the right to run a secession govt closer to your way. How many of these people on the Right do you really know and how well do you know them? Charles Stanley has recently done an entire podcast style series (if you don't know who he is, you don't understand the Right) on the book of Revelations. He is claiming the Mark of the Best is NOT the clot shot. And how (and I am taking this from the title page on the antiChrist segment) the antiChrist "is anti-Israel". He means the state of Israel, mind you. They know EXACTLY what these wars are about: the end times. Trump hasn't persuaded them to ask that question AT ALL, IMHO. And they, unlike the Left, not only crave your annihilation, but also their own- so they can be with Jesus. Tucker Carlson is not representative of the Right, nor Glenn Beck, nor Russell Brand. These are the centrist outliers who are starting to embrace anarchy. And every hint of stopping the state from bringing us closer to the sudden death the Right fantasizes about and the Right are CERTAIN is happening NOW is met with vehement anger and accusations of being "not truly saved." All the family relations I still talk to are southern Baptists, and they have been well programmed to WANT those wars above their own freedom or anything else. If you break up the union of support for Israel, if you even let them know you'd consider it as a win, you are working for Satan and have forgotten the way of Jesus. These people would embrace Qanon before they would embrace the end to wars. They would line up for 30 boosters to keep the union supporting Israel from stopping the wars. I don't think you are any more realistic than those you mock. You just got as trapped in your own echochamber as anyone else and lost sight of the only movement that is actually having wins right now. You and those around you are clueless about what the Right wants if you think most of them want freedom more than anything else or to be left alone. They want to accelerate what is happening toward the collapse of civilization more than you ever did, but they are hoping for all out, world wide destruction. They are certain they are going to be whisked away moments before impact, not unlike a Jim Jones suicide cult. Except, they are probably still most of America by percentage. If you aren't doing anything about that desire for earthly destruction, if you don't have a plan for that, you don't know what you are up against and have no business telling anarchists (or agorists) they are out of touch. I say this with a little tough love here. I think we're all unrealistic. It's clash of the Titans time. The only win is if we have more people on our side defecting from either camp, I think the best way is to move sensible centrists. And they seem to be most influenced by anarchist principles at least in my experience of watching people daily, in droves leaving camp state. As per your comment to Charlotte, no one would let you run cover for agorists in your little Lichtenstein. You'd never get that far if the Right is willing to destroy the planet to stop you Lichtenstein from happening. Di Lorenzo says Lincoln underestimated the cost of war to life and economy get what he wanted. These people make Lincoln seem like a savior of the world by comparison.