Hope in a World of Shit
Complacency: self-satisfaction especially when accompanied by unawareness of actual dangers or deficiencies
Prior to 2020, it was very easy for me to be satisfied with my accomplishments. But I, and many others like me, were just skating along. Sure, some of us were fully aware of how the 2008 financial crisis would impact the US financial system. We knew that money creation through quantitative easing would eventually catch up to us in the form of diminished purchasing power. Many of us even understood what the rise of groups like Black Lives Matter and the growing insanity on college campuses could potentially lead to. But very few of us were ready for everything associated with the COVID regime: the Summer of George, a questionable presidential election, and then the political persecution of average Americans who made the mistake of walking through an open door on January 6th.
I believe a lot of us were doing just fine, but we were comfortable and complacent. If you weren’t someone completely defeated by 2020, I believe you at least had to have been knocked out of that sense of self-satisfaction. You understood that the maniacal regime in charge could (and would), with one swift decision, destroy parts of what you had built, with full destruction in some cases. You knew that you had to do everything you could to protect yourself from those who would do you and your loved ones harm. You embarked on a path that, while providing you with some ease to face their continued attacks, took you out of your complacency. A path that set you on a journey in which a mindset of constant battle more aptly describes your mental framework going forward. And with that new mental fortitude, no one is going to defeat you!
When complacency is replaced with burning passion, men become dangerous to the “elite” class that relies on the populace being dependent upon them for not only physical needs but for morale as well. When you no longer need them and just your very existence is openly hostile to them, you become a danger to them. You become the enemy. You have become what man is meant to be: a warrior who will do anything to protect his tribe. The question you must ask now is, are you willing to sacrifice the fire that has been lit within you because it puts a target on your back? Your answer to that question sheds light on what your future, and that of your tribe and those you love, will look like.
“Man is the only animal that must be encouraged to live.” - Friedrich Nietzsche