Your opinion on borders, guns or nationalism really isn’t relevant here. What is important is that all of you know at least one person to whom one of these is a vital issue. They ride or die with it. Some of you may be, or know someone to whom all three are essential issues. I don’t care if the politician is on the Right or Left, almost all care nothing about your feelings on these issues. There are some that pay lip service to them, but for the most part, they couldn’t care less. Except, when it comes to Ukraine.
The January 6th protesters are a perfect example. Many latched onto Trump because he was for strengthening a border that has remained strategically porous for years. Many of the protesters would refer to themselves as nationalists. I think it’s safe to assume most would be pro-second amendment. Those three things are enough to make them the enemy in the regime’s eye. If you’re white and you call yourself a “nationalist”, even if you don’t have identitarian beliefs about your heritage or skin tone, “white” will be put in front of that term.
BUT, if you are a citizen of Ukraine, not only are these three things vital, but many want the United States to go to war to defend them. Ignoring the history of the Russia/Ukraine conflict, which didn’t start 3 weeks ago, the absurdity of a government that routinely demonizes its own citizens for holding views about civic policy that it is willing to defend elsewhere, possibly resulting in war with a nuclear power, is proof who the real enemy is. There are enemies of the United States who are foreign, but ignoring the domestic ones, the ones who judge you as a human being for holding an opinion opposed to theirs, is evidence that we are in a rapid decline. When the enemy is within the gates the clock is ticking. There are many possible ways this plays out, but unless you’re prepared for it, you could be a casualty.
It is not hyperbole to say that the people who are supposed to be protecting your rights care more about a country 6,000 miles away. This is a country many use to line their pockets to the tune of millions, and probably billions. Ukraine is a cash-grab for American elites (Burisma anyone?). And they don’t want it spoiled by that Russian maniac who can’t be reasoned with (For more of this logic see Saddam, Gaddafi, Assad, Koresh, etc.).
The people in charge care more about the sovereignty of Ukraine than the country they were elected to serve. I don’t know how anyone can argue with that sentence. Putting sanctions on a foreign country that sends your own economy into a panic should be considered treason. And there should be a comeuppance. Someone in the corporate media besides Tucker Carlson should be talking about this. Someone in the corporate universities should be teaching this to the students.
To quote Roger Waters: “Is there anybody out there?”