And It Begins...
Here’s a link to the article
Some things to note:
Many see this as the beginning of a new housing crisis. Clint from the Liberty Lockdown podcast - a former private money mortgage broker - talks on this episode about what he sees as a coming housing apocalypse.
Just because this moratorium has been lifted doesn’t mean that landlords will throw people out on the streets but many will be forced to as they’ve suffered major losses in income in the last year.
Don’t be shocked if this causes the government to “act in people’s best interests.” In the episode with Clint we talk about possible bailing out of the mortgage industry, again. Some could push for nationalization of housing. Honestly, after the last year, would you be surprised. Or, this could be an impetus for UBI to be enacted.
People, we are in desperate times and the amount of folks, even ones supposedly on our side that don’t recognize just how desperate, is frightening. I pray you all survive this. I don’t know what to do at this point except to keep on fighting.