When I saw the response by the powers that be to CV19, I determined they were either clueless, or purposefully misleading the public. I quickly realized that both can be true at the same time and that is still my belief. What I wasn’t prepared for was the majority of the public to buy into this charade so quickly. The government presented an ever-changing narrative and the vast majority of people swallowed it whole with no qualms. A narrative is essentially a story which doesn’t have to be true. In the case of how the public accepted the CV19 narrative, it was almost as if by magic. And magic was a big part of my year, and still is.
My closest fellow traveler in 2020 was my friend, Vin Armani. We did several podcasts highlighting and explaining the tyranny we saw the government implementing in the name of CV19. Vin was the first person to mention magic. He noticed people abandoning logic and reason and instead adopting the government “narrative” as their guiding “principle.” Vin quickly surmised that if people were believing in this magic, only better magic could pull them from the thrall of the government narrative. I told him that to do this we needed a better narrative. One that was devoid of logic and reason because we were entering into Vin’s coined phrase, “The Dim Age.” Thus the “magic meme” was born.
Everything became about magic, everything had a magical connotation. When someone brought up in conversation or on social media CV19 vaccines, I referred to it as the magic elixir that would end this demonic attack. If masks were mentioned in a positive way, I talked of their great faith and that totems were part of man’s history. Hand sanitizer became Holy Water. The required six foot perimeter for social distancing was too far for a demon to jump from one human to another. If the narrative is all that matters, and people are performing these rituals “sola fide,” why would I not oblige them by using the language of ritual as well?
It became crystal clear that we were in the “Dim Age” when the riots started after the George Floyd video was released. Tens of thousands of people took to the streets, huddled in masses with few masks, to protest. When people like myself wondered how this “pandemic” was going to be stopped if thousands upon thousands were in the streets screaming to each other in immediate proximity, the “high priests” informed us that the protests were vital and not to worry about the protesters contracting, and spreading, CV19. They were all but declared immune. It was magic. The “Dim Age” was real and the technocrats had this handled. All you had to do was have faith.
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"’It means,’ said Aslan, ‘that though the Witch knew the Deep Magic, there is a magic deeper still which she did not know. Her knowledge goes back only to the dawn of time. But if she could have looked a little further back, into the stillness and the darkness before Time dawned, she would have read there a different incantation. She would have known that when a willing victim who had committed no treachery was killed in a traitor's stead, the Table would crack and Death itself would start working backward.’” CS Lewis Lion The Witch and The Wardrobe
I have been calling it the “magic cootie” for a while and people always laugh. And go on about how funny that is. I don’t find it funny. I find it an ongoing part of the science fiction we are living in where invasion of the body snatchers starts as decent sci-fi but now as you call it the “Dim age” the govt and convening bodies on the magic cootie have gone full Sharknado. When they based their presumption masks stopped respiratory viruses or decreased the spread, they based it on decreased droplets. Unfortunately, they didn’t go the step further and prove decreased droplets did indeed decrease the spread. And as impartial Oxford epidemiologists pointed out, they didn’t because “virions are slippery subjects” in other words, they COULD NOT prove that virus were less transmitted or slowed by that endeavor. And should masks not work both ways? Should not masks also catch the aerosolized particles coming in as well? Is there some valve function on them only out, not in? As more studies show that viruses are transmitting solely to the people who wear masks and almost 99% of the public is masked up, the next magical thing is that everyone who did not wear a mask who despite being asymptomatic must be some kind of super spreader. I joked that I alone in three counties of millions of people was the sole cause of all the local cases because I have been constantly contagious since day one and never wore a mask in public once. I am the super spreader - of JOY, I like to say. I smile at everyone. One of my slogans is “make smiles contagious.” I want to turn the love and compassion message of these fear mongers on its head. They ARE using magic, but CS Lewis penned, there is an older magic and I still believe love conquers hate and fear. It’s the oldest magic there is!